A physicist with solid research and teaching background, proficient in numerical simulations of models of quantum systems including quantum magnetism, strongly interacting electrons, cold-atom systems, and quantum sensing. Interested in building a research group dedicated at designing and optimizing device configurations of quantum sensors for fundamental physics tests, inertial navigation, detection, or defense applications.
Quantum Monte Carlo method
1. "Anomalous periodicity in superpositions of localized periodic patterns", Omer Amit, Or Dobkowski, Zhifan Zhou, Yair Margalit, Yonathan Japha, Samuel Moukouri, Yigal Meir, Baruch Horovitz, and Ron Folman, 2022 New J. Phys. 24 073032.
2.“Multi-pass guided atomic Sagnac interferometers and general relativity tests”, Samuel Moukouri, Jonathan Japha, Mark Keil, Tal David, David Grosswasser, Menachem Givon, arXiv:2107.03446 (2021).
3. “Stern-Gerlach Interferometry with the Atom Chip”, Mark Keil, Shimon Machluf, Yair Margalit, Zhifan Zhou, Omer Amit, Or Dobkowski, Yonathan Japha, Samuel Moukouri, Daniel Rohrlich, Zina Binstock, Yaniv Bar-Haim, Menachem Givon, David Grosswasser, Yigal Meir, Ron Folman, In: Friedrich B., Schmidt-Böcking H. (eds) Molecular Beams in Physics and Chemistry. Springer, Cham. (2021).
4. “Realization of the complete Stern-Gerlach Interferometer”, Yair Margalit, Or Dobkowski, Zhifan Zhou, Omer Amit, Yonathan Japha, Samuel Moukouri, Daniel Rohrlich, Anupam Mazumdar, Sougato Bose, Carsten Henkel, and Ron Folman, Sci. Adv. 2021; 7 : eabg2879.
5. “An experimental test of the geodesic rule proposition for the non-cyclic geometric phase”, Zhifan Zhou, Yair Margalit, Samuel Moukouri, Ygal Meir, and Ron Folman, Sci. Adv. 2020; 6 : eaay8345.
6. “Analysis of a high-stability Stern-Gerlach spatial fringe interferometer”, Yair Margalit, Zhifan Zhou, Shimon Machluf, Yonathan Japha, Samuel Moukouri, and Ron Folman, New Journal of Physics, 21 073040 (2019).
7. “Behavior of entanglement entropy in interacting quasi-one-dimensional systems and its consequences for their efficient numerical study”, S. Moukouri and E. Grosfeld, Phys. Rev. B 90, 035112 (2014).
8. “Universality class of the Mott transition in two dimensions”, S. Moukouri, and E. Eidelstein, Phys. Rev. B 86 , 155112 (2012).
9. “Mott transition in quasi-one-dimensional systems”, S. Moukouri, and E. Eidelstein, Phys. Rev. B 84 , 193103 (2011).
10. “Quantum phase transitions, frustration, and the Fermi surface in the Kondo lattice model”, E. Eidelstein, S. Moukouri, and A. Schiller, Phys. Rev. B 84 , 014413 (2011).
11. “Density-matrix renormalization group study of coupled Luttinger liquids”, S. Moukouri and E. Eidelstein, Phys. Rev. B 82 , 165132 (2010).
12. “Plaquette State of the Shastry-Sutherland model: Density-matrix renormalization-group calculations”, S. Moukouri, Phys. Rev. B 78 , 132405 (2008).
13. “Renormalization group approach for highly anisotropic two-dimensional fermion systems: Application to coupled Hubbard chains”, S. Moukouri, Phys. Rev. B 77 , 235116 (2008).
14. “Néel and Valence Bond Crystal Phases of frustrated two-dimensional Heisenberg models”, S. Moukouri, Phys. Rev. B 77 , 052408 (2008).
15. “Critical Exponents in Quantum Phase Transition of an Anisotropic 2D Antiferromagnet”, S. Moukouri, Phys. Rev. B 77 , 092410 (2008).
16. “Quantum phase transition and Luttinger liquid in coupled t-J chains”, S. Moukouri J. Stat. Mech. P05007 (2006).
17. “Neel and disordered phases of coupled Heisenberg chains with S=1/2 to 4”, J. of Stat. Mech. P02002 (2006).
18. “Disordered phase of a two-dimensional Heisenberg model with S=1”, S. Moukouri, Phys. Lett. A 352 , 256 (2006).
19. “Disordered and Ordered States in a Frustrated Anisotropic Heisenberg Hamiltonian”, S. Moukouri and J.V. Alvarez, Phys. Lett. A 344 , 387 (2005).
20. “Renormalization group method for weakly-coupled quantum chains: comparison with exact diagonalization”, J.V. Alvarez and S. Moukouri, Int. J. Mod. Phys. C. 16 , 84 (2004).
21. “Renormalization group method for weakly-coupled quantum chains: application to the spin one-half Heisenberg model”, S. Moukouri, Phys. Rev. B 70 , 014403 (2004).
22. “A Matrix Kato-Bloch Perturbation Method for Quantum Hamiltonians”, S. Moukouri, Phys. Lett. A 325 , 177 (2004).
23. “Renormalization group method for quasi-one-dimensional quantum Hamiltonians”, S. Moukouri and L. G. Caron, Phys. Rev. B 67 , 092405 (2003).
24. “Absence of a Slater Transition in the Two-Dimensional Hubbard Model”, S. Moukouri and M. Jarrell, Phys. Rev. Lett., 87 , 167010 (2001).
25. “Quantum Monte-Carlo algorithm for non-local corrections to the dynamical mean-field approximation”, M. Jarrell, T. Maier, C. Huscroft and S. Moukouri, Phys. Rev. B 64 , 195130 (2001).
26. “Pseudo gaps in the 2D Hubbard model”, C. Huscroft, M. Jarrell, T. Maier, S. Moukouri and A. N. Tahvildarzadeh, Phys. Rev. Lett. 86 , 139 (2001).
27. “The Dynamical Cluster Approximation: A New Technique for Simulations of Strongly Correlated Electron Systems”, S. Moukouri, C. Huscroft and M. Jarrell, in Computer Simulations in Condensed Matter Physics XIII, D.P. Landau, S.P. Lewis, H.-B. Schlùttler (Eds.), Springer (2000).
28."Accurate Computation of the Magnetic Susceptibility for the Normal Phase of Organic Conductors", S. Moukouri, arXiv:cond-mat/0011169 [cond-mat.str-el].
29. “Many-body theory versus simulations for the pseudo-gap in the Hubbard model”, S. Moukouri, S. Allen, F. Lemay, B. Kyung, D. Poulin, Y.M. Vilk and A.-M.S. Tremblay, Phys. Rev. B 61 7887 (2000).
30. “Role of Symmetry and Dimension in Pseudo-gap Phenomena”, S. Allen, H. Touchette, S. Moukouri, Y.M. Vilk, and A.-M.S. Tremblay, Phys. Rev. Lett. 83 , 4128 (1999).
31. “Attractive Hubbard model and single-particle pseudo-gap caused by classical pairing fluctuations in two dimensions”, Y.-M. Vilk, S. Allen, H. Touchette, S. Moukouri, L. Chen and A.-M.S. Tremblay, Sol. Sta. Comm. 59, 1873 (1998).
32. “Thermodynamics of Metallic Kondo Lattices”, S. Moukouri and L. G. Caron in “Density-Matrix Renormalization: A New Numerical Method in Physics”, I. Peschel, Xiaoqun Wang, M. Kaulke and Karen Hallberg (Eds), p. 329 (1998).
33. “Density-matrix renormalization-group study of the one-dimensional acoustic phonons”, L. G. Caron and S. Moukouri, Phys. Rev. B 56 (Rapid comm.) 8471 (1997).
34. “Density-matrix renormalization group applied to the ground-state of the XY-spin-Peierls system”, L. G. Caron and S. Moukouri, Phys. Rev. Lett. 76 , 4050 (1996).
35. “Thermodynamic density-matrix renormalization group study of the magnetic susceptibility of half-integer quantum spin chains”, S. Moukouri and L. G. Caron, Phys. Rev. Lett. 77, 4640 (1996).
36. “Fermi surface of the one-dimensional Kondo Lattice model”, S. Moukouri and L. G. Caron, Phys. Rev. B 54 , 12212 (1996).
37. “Numerical renormalization group study of the 1D t-J model”, Liang Chen, S. Moukouri, Phys. Rev. B 53 , 1866 (1996).
38. “Local moments coupled to a strongly correlated electron chain”, S. Moukouri, Liang Chen, and L.G. Caron, Phys. Rev. B 53 , R488-491 (1996).
39. “Ground-state properties of the one-dimensional Kondo lattice at partial band-filling”, S. Moukouri and L. G. Caron, Phys. Rev. B 52 (Rapid comm.), 15723 (1995).
40. “Real-space density-matrix renormalization-group study of the Kondo necklace”, S. Moukouri, L.G. Caron, C. Bourbonnais, and L. Hubert, Phys. Rev. B 51 , 15920 (1995).
41. “Calculation of the singlet-triplet gap of the antiferromagnetic Heisenberg model on a ladder”, M. Azzouz, Liang Chen, and S. Moukouri, Phys. Rev. B 50 , 6233 (1994).
42. “The mixed iono-covalent bonding in small insulating clusters”, S. Moukouri and C. Noguera, Z. Phys. D 27 , 79 (1993).
43. “Theoretical investigation of small MgO, CaO and NaCl clusters”, S. Moukouri and C. Noguera, Z. Phys. D 26 , S 198 (1993).
44. “Theoretical study of small MgO clusters”, S. Moukouri and C. Noguera, Z. Phys. D 24 , 71 (1992).
National Science Foundation, "Information Technology Research award", total amount for 5 years (2004-2009), $535,000
Statistical Physics, (Physics 406, University of Michigan).
Quantum Mechanics I, (Physics 453, University of Michigan).
Quantum Mechanics II (Physics 460, University of Michigan).
Introduction to Numerical Simulations in Physics (Physics 411, University of Michigan).
Discussion Sessions:
Mechanics and Waves (physics 125, University of Michigan).
Conceptual Physics (physics 106, University of Michigan).
Mechanics and Waves, (Physics 140, University of Michigan)
Dr. Kenneth L. Graham (University of Michigan, 2005-2008).
Dr. Jose V. Alvarez (University of Michigan, 2002-2005).
PhD students:
Ms. Porscha McRobbie (University of Michigan, 2003-2005).
Eitan Eidelstein (Hebrew University, 2009-2011).
Doctoral Jury:
PhD and prelim defense of Mr. Sung-Kwan Mo, University of Michigan, April 2006 (advisor Jim Allen)
PhD and prelim defense of Ms. Lee Farina, University of Michigan, December 2005 (advisor C. Kurdak)
PhD and prelim defense of Ms. Cynthia Aku-Leh, University of Michigan, January 2005 (advisor R. Merlin)
Master defense Mr. Kofi Asante, Laurentian University, Canada, September 2004 (advisor M. Azzouz)
PhD and prelim defense of Mr. Yi Li, University of Michigan, November 2003 (advisor R. Savit)
Prelim defense of Mr. Pedro Encarnacion, University of Michigan, August 2002 (advisor B. Orr)
"Renormalization Group Method for coupled Luttinger liquids, invited talk", Israel Physical Society, Ramat Gan (2009).
"Quantum Phase Transition and topological effects on an anisotropic 2D lattice", Séminaire, Technion, Haifa, Israel (July 2007).
"Quantum Phase Transition and topological effects on an anisotropic 2D lattice", Seminar at the University of Neguev, Israel (July 2007).
"A Renormalization Group Method for Quasi 1D Systems", Colloquium, Weizmann Institute, Rehovot, Israel (June 2007).
"A Renormalization Group Method for Quasi 1D Systems", Colloquium, Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel (June 2007).
"Quantum Phase Transition and topological effects on an anisotropic 2D lattice", Seminar, Bar Ilan University, Ramat Gan, Israel (June 2007).
"Quantum Phase Transition and topological effects on an anisotropic 2D lattice", Seminar, University of Tel Aviv, Israel (June 2007).
"A Renormalization Group Method for Quasi 1D Systems", Colloquium, University of Cincinnati (May 2007).
"Quantum Phase Transition and topological effects on an anisotropic 2D lattice", Seminar, University of California, San Diego (April 2006).
"Quantum Phase Transition in Coupled Chain systems", Colloquium, Oakland University (March 2006).
"Quantum Phase Transition in Coupled chain systems", Seminar, University of California, Davis (July, 2005).
"Quantum Phase Transition in coupled Heisenberg Chains", Conference, International Conference of Frustrated Magnetism, (Montauk, New York, September 2004).
"The Magnetic Susceptibility of the 1D Extended Hubbard Model", Conference, Gordon Research Conference on interacting electron system, (Colby College Maine, July 2002).
"The Spin Liquid Ground State of Weakly Coupled Heisenberg Chains", Seminar, University of Southern California, (December 2003).
"Matrix Kato-Bloch Method for Quantum Hamiltonians", Seminar, Stanford Linear Accelerator Group (December 2003).
"The Spin Liquid Ground State of Weakly Coupled Heisenberg Chains", Seminar University of California, Santa Barbara (December 2003).
"Absence of the Slater Transition in the 2D Hubbard model", Conference, International Conference on Strongly Correlated Electron Systems, Ann Arbor, Michigan (May 2001).
"The Dynamical Cluster Approximation", Conference, "Workshop on new methods in electronic structure calculations", Iowa State University (2000).
"The Dynamical Cluster Approximation", Seminar, Université de Sherbrooke (December 1999).
Statistical Physics, (Physics 406, University of Michigan).
Quantum Mechanics I, (Physics 453, University of Michigan).
Quantum Mechanics II (Physics 460, University of Michigan).
Introduction to Numerical Simulations in Physics (Physics 411, University of Michigan).
Discussion Sessions:
Mechanics and Waves (physics 125, University of Michigan).
Conceptual Physics (physics 106, University of Michigan).
Mechanics and Waves, (Physics 140, University of Michigan)
Dr. Kenneth L. Graham (University of Michigan, 2005-2008).
Dr. Jose V. Alvarez (University of Michigan, 2002-2005).
PhD students:
Ms. Porscha McRobbie (University of Michigan, 2003-2005).
Eitan Eidelstein (Hebrew University, 2009-2011).
PhD and prelim defense of Mr. Sung-Kwan Mo, University of Michigan, April 2006 (advisor Jim Allen)
PhD and prelim defense of Ms. Lee Farina, University of Michigan, December 2005 (advisor C. Kurdak)
PhD and prelim defense of Ms. Cynthia Aku-Leh, University of Michigan, January 2005 (advisor R. Merlin)
Master defense Mr. Kofi Asante, Laurentian University, Canada, September 2004 (advisor M. Azzouz)
PhD and prelim defense of Mr. Yi Li, University of Michigan, November 2003 (advisor R. Savit)
Prelim defense of Mr. Pedro Encarnacion, University of Michigan, August 2002 (advisor B. Orr)