Work History
Leadership Experience

Luke Mudd II




Offering strong foundation in engineering principles and passion for sales, eager to learn and develop in dynamic environment. Brings clear understanding of technical concepts and ability to quickly acquire industry-specific knowledge. Ready to use and develop problem-solving and communication skills in a Sales Engineering or Process Engineering role.


years of professional experience

Work History

Undergraduate Fluid Dynamics Research Assistant

University of Tennessee - Knoxville
02.2024 - Current
  • Testing the principles, specifically surface tension, of water by dropping a water droplet from certain heights on to a hydrophobic surface and filming with a high-speed camera
  • Constructed the rig and setup for the experiment

Certified Technician

Skeeter Beater Inc.
06.2024 - 08.2024
  • Handled toxic chemicals under specific dilutions in water
  • Sprayed precise amounts of chemical solution onto customer’s landscape
  • Followed specific application instructions determined in collaboration with the client

Lab Technician

Michael Bond
06.2023 - 08.2023
  • Engineered a 200-foot wooden dam
  • Worked collaboratively with a crew of 6 to ensure proper placement
  • Responsible for purchasing and maintaining the material for the project
  • Operated heavy machinery to precisely place seawall components


Bachelor of Science - Chemical Engineering

The University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Tickle College of Engineering
Knoxville, Tennessee


  • Microsoft Excel
  • Arduino
  • Analytical Chemistry
  • Materials and Energy Balances
  • Chemistry and Engineering Lab experience
  • Intuitive and Creative thinker
  • Strong and Impactful leader
  • Passionate and Driven worker
  • Personable Communicator

Leadership Experience

  • American Institute of Chemical Engineers: Attend conferences, seminars and tours of various industries in Chemical Engineering. Collaborate with peers about engineering concepts and material covered in classes to further our understanding of information
  • Pi Kappa Phi Academic Chair: Helped brothers reach out and gather help from various resources. Held brothers accountable for grades and made sure they kept up with their classes.
  • National Honor Society: 60 service hours contributing to diverse needs within various communities. Participated in the development of programming within the school.
  • Student Council Executive Committee: Developed a system of organizing, scheduling, and delivering food to those in need for the school’s annual food drive. Assisted in the development of 6 school projects and events.


Certified Technician

Skeeter Beater Inc.
06.2024 - 08.2024

Undergraduate Fluid Dynamics Research Assistant

University of Tennessee - Knoxville
02.2024 - Current

Lab Technician

Michael Bond
06.2023 - 08.2023

Bachelor of Science - Chemical Engineering

The University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Tickle College of Engineering
Luke Mudd II