I was honored to be invited to direct the Concordia Handbell Ensemble during the fall semester of the 2024-2025 school year. I am excited to meet the ringers, and I hope that we can build excitement for the handbell ensemble, and possibly see the numbers grow.
I can think of no other musical adventure that is more cooperative than a bell choir as it takes all hands to make one instrument. I enjoy using the art of handbell ringing to praise and glorify our God.
I have my own set of bells and chimes, plus two 2 octave sets that churches have gifted to me which I have used the past 3 years as I have volunteered at St. Paul, Austin (bringing music once a week to PreK - 8th graders) and I will continue to use this year as I volunteer at St. Paul, Dorchester.
Middle School Math, Science, World History, Handbells
Middle School Math, Science, Literature, Handbells
Middle school Math, Science, History, Literature, Handbells
5th grade homeroom, Upper grade science, Choir
5th/6th Homeroom teacher, Lower Grade Science, Music
My teaching skills, in addition to loving being in the classroom with the students and seeing those epiphany moments when they understand something, are organization, creativity and communication
My units were planned out for the year, with student planners distributed in calendar format My projects were hands-on I sent weekly lesson plans to parents
My handbell experience comes from 40 years of directing 5th grade ringers through adults
For 25 years I directed a touring high school aged handbell choir on summer concert tours, which over the years morphed into servant/mission trips using the gift of handbell ringing to connect with folks of all ages